Friday 7 December 2018

What to plant in your garden if you live in warm climate

Growing plants outside your hardiness zone is either difficult or impossible. If you live in Florida or other warm states, it is necessary to plant crops suited to warm climates. These plants can flourish despite the scorching heat or lack of water. Here are some examples of heat-tolerant plants with which you can fill your garden:

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Egyptian Star Cluster
These flowers are also known as Pentas. They are tropical plants that can be found in some of the hottest climates on Earth including Africa, Arabia, and Madagascar. Unlike other flowers, they bloom the most when exposed to a full sun.

These are tall daisy-like flowers with showy annuals and vibrant colors. They are native to Mexico and can withstand heat, dry soil, and drought. Too much water and nutrients in the soil can make them weak-stemmed, so keep that in mind. They require very little maintenance but can brighten up your garden.
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Hawaiian Blue Agetarum
Despite its name, the plant is originally from Mexico. Unlike other plants, this flower actually needs heat. When you plant its seeds, make sure the soil is warm. It also needs to be watered with warm water.

Reflexed Stonecrop
For a succulent plant, this can tolerate heat like no other. It’s a popular choice to use in rock gardens. Where other plants turn brown due to dryness, the reflexed stonecrop remains green and lush.

The EZ FLO Fertilizing systems were developed for homes, cities, gardens, parks, sports fields, resorts, and just about any form of growing and landscape. Since its founding in 1994, the company now has 13 patents on a unique and inexpensive injection process. Know more about the company and its products by visiting this website.

Friday 16 November 2018

Selling horticulture to millennials

Millennials are tech-savvy and sometimes regarded as hungry for online attention.  They are the fastest growing group of garden consumers, yet the number of millennials working in the agriculture industry is comparatively low than the working population in other industries.

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Born after 1980, millennials have massive buying power.  In recent years, they have begun to flock the digital space with selfies and social media updates for their appreciation of gardening and other green hobbies.  Their respect for anything organic has brought them to the green market, increasing the value of horticulture among their age group.  Meanwhile, the buying power of millennials is overtaken by their ability to influence consumers, making them a notable force and a valuable bunch in the industry.
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The desire of millennials to go green has an impact even on their ventures.  As more and more are escaping the mundanities of their 9 to 5 jobs, members of this generation are starting to capitalize on market interest through the online sale of plants and herbs.  Their desire to stand out from the crowd forces them to think outside the box, especially in making gardening appealing to their peers.

A good way to start building a millennial-led business founded on farming is by sharing knowledge about the industry and how important horticulture is for the society.  Product sale must be preceded by knowledge sharing.  In addition, parents of millennials are known to share in and influence the purchasing power of the generation. Campaigns vaunting the value of horticulture should also include them.

 EZ FLO Fertilizing Systems are comprised of environment-friendly solutions addressing water and fertility issues.  EZ-FLO provides injection and irrigation technologies for cities, homes, gardens, resorts, parks, sports fields, and any other form of growing and landscape.  Subscribe to this blog for more updates.

Saturday 1 September 2018

What The Future Of Lawn Care Looks Like

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The lawn care industry is a healthy and thriving one, going through waves of change from new equipment and technology, changing markets, and a growing community online. There’s no telling what will happen to it exactly in the future, but there are trends at present that will help determine its growth and direction.

For one, it appears that the number of green industry players is steadily growing. Sure, more people are getting into the lawn business all the time, but there appear to be more entrepreneurs who are already established and successful yet wanting to make the big leap in this niche. Add this to the fact that customer demographics and expectations are changing: customers are getting younger too, where their young families are too busy and need professional lawn care services.

Technology is also playing a key role in leading lawn care to the future. A good software system appears necessary in managing clients and creates business efficiencies, and utilizing new tech tools and techniques only make it easier to maximize one’s bottom line. Social media has made it easier to connect with the market, shaping up to be the future of succeeding in this space.

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Cutting-edge lawn care is becoming exactly that: more and more cutting-edge as the years go by. Homeowners will keep its love affair with a lush garden lawn, and they are discovering new ways to keep their yard looking vibrant and green without spending a fortune. Expect a future of artificial turfs and lawn paintings, but don’t think that the real thing will altogether disappear. Online lawn service, for instance, is becoming more in-demand, linking customers to on-call, on-demand mowers.

EZ-FLO fertilizing systems were developed to provide irrigation and injection technologies for homes, cities, parks, gardens, sports fields, resorts, and any other form of growing and landscape. Since 1994, EZ-FLO sold over 250,000 fertilizing systems in more than 20 countries. For more reads like this, click here.

Wednesday 25 July 2018

How Much Will You Save By Using Fertigation?

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Agriculture is a billion dollar industry today. It provides food for the American people, raw materials for processed goods, feed for livestock, and recreation in crops like tobacco. It is also an expensive business in terms of upkeep. Going into agriculture can be risky, as a bad yield can heavily dent finances.

There are many factors affecting agribusiness. Some of the main cost drivers are manpower, water for irrigation, fertilizer, and other chemicals like pesticides.

Unless your business revolves around growing cacti, relying on rainwater is virtually impossible for any other agricultural endeavor. This makes water the biggest necessary resource next to the land itself. And while water may seem cheap for a regular household, an acre of farmland can use up to 4,000 gallons every day. Pumping water can cost $20 per hectare to over $300 per hectare, depending on the location.

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This is why fertigation makes such a big difference in cutting costs. Fertigation combines irrigation and fertilizer application by mixing the nutrients in the water. This method saves farmers at least 25% on water, while increasing fertilizer efficiency by 80%. Not only does this reduce water consumption necessary for the crops, this system also removes costly factors like soil and nutrient erosion due to irrigation.

Since its founding in 1994, the EZ FLO fertilizing systems has secured 13 patents on a unique and inexpensive injection process. These systems are comprised of environment-friendly solutions to water and fertility issues. For more useful information on fertigation, visit this blog.

Friday 6 July 2018

What Are The Main-Line Models Of Irrigation Systems For Homes?

For homeowners, a huge part of the joy of owning a home comes from taking care of the landscape and garden.   Some people spend a considerable amount of time, money, and effort into creating the best-looking landscape they can.  Not only is it a source of pride, but it also provides a sense of fulfillment to homeowners, especially when they accomplish the task themselves. 

Enter EZ-FLO. 

EZ-FLO has come out with a number of injection tools for gardeners and landscapers everywhere.  For over two decades, the technology of EZ-FLO has helped homeowners transform their landscapes and gardens beyond expectations. 

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One of the most popular injection tools EZ-FLO has developed is the main-line unit, which is designed to work wonders for an irrigation system.  There are several types of main-line units, all of which were created to take care of static water pressure even during down times of irrigation systems.  Doing so eliminates any loss of pressure when the irrigation system switched on.

As mentioned, there are a number of main-line systems for homes, seven to be exact.  The bigger the unit, the less refilling it needs.  This also depends on the size of gardens and landscapes.  Bigger areas are better served by larger units to eliminate the need for multiple refills.  

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EZ-FLO fertilizing systems include economical, flexible, and easy-to-use injectors that are ideal for backyard gardeners, commercial landscapers, and farm owners. Learn more about the company by visiting its official website.

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Precision Agriculture: Key Concepts And Benefits

Agriculture has gone through a massive transformation through years, and technology has had radical effects on how farming is done and how agribusiness has been shaped to what it is today. One of the key concepts known today is precision agriculture or simply precision ag, which harnesses information technology in farm management to ensure that the soil and crops receive what they need for their maximum health and productivity.

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Precision ag is steered toward making farming more accurate, controlled, and well-managed when it comes to growing crops as well as raising livestock. It makes use of IT tools and techniques that include sensors, GPS, drones, robotics, autonomous vehicles, and things like GPS-based soil sampling to achieve these goals. 

It is believed to take off in the early 1990s after the introduction of GPS guidance, and today it’s so widely applied while other new technologies are taking off. Some popular precision farming practices are automated steering systems, which show drivers the way to follow in the field using satellite navigation systems; geomapping to produce maps that contain precious soil and nutrient information; and sensors and remote sensing to collect data from a distance to evaluate soil and crop health. 

Integrated electronic communications, too, enhance links among different components of the farming system such as between the tractor and dealer and tractor and farm office. Predictive analytics software also informs farmers about crop rotation, harvesting times, and soil management. 

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The EZ-FLO fertilizing systems were developed to provide irrigation and injection technologies for homes, cities, parks, gardens, sports fields, resorts, and any other form of growing and landscape. Since EZ-FLO’s inception, the company, under the leadership of its CEO, Dan C. Gilmore, has grown into a leading commercial and residential fertigation systems manufacturer with more than 250,000 units installed in over 20 countries. More on the company and its products website.

Monday 7 May 2018

Fertilizing Responsibly

Much of the food that plants need come from the soil; a healthy soil equals a crop rich in nutrients. Because of this, fertilizers have to be used in farms and gardens by applying them to the soil so that most of the nourishment the flora needs are provided. These nutrients include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and others.

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However, fertilizing should be done responsibly. Otherwise, there could be negative effects on plants and the environment; not to mention extra, unnecessary costs would also be incurred. The EZ-FLO fertilizing systems, which integrate irrigation and application of fertilizers, are capable of decreasing fertilizer consumption by 70 to 90 percent and reducing water usage by 25 to 50 percent.

This can help optimize the growth of crops because they receive no excess fertilizer, thus minimizing “burning” them, and do not drown in a glut of water. Moreover, with the right amount of fertilizer, the plants become less prone to infestation of pests, the onset of diseases, and wilting during droughts, and the soil becomes as fertile as possible.

Less water reduces the likelihood of runoff and leaching, which can contaminate waterways with pollutants, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and more. Only a sufficient amount of water should be supplied in farms and gardens so that there would be no adverse impact on water quality.

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Learn more about fertilizing responsibly by visiting this EZ-FLO website.